CANIMUN Rules of Procedure
Please be advised that the CANIMUN rules of procedure closely simulate the process taken by the committees and bodies of the United Nations. As such, the UN’s Department of Public Information encourages MUN conferences to facilitate dialogue with formal committee speeches and informal dialogues (no moderated caucus). Delegates are advised to review the rules of procedure prior to the conference, as they may differ from other MUN conferences.
The CANIMUN 2017 Rules of Procedure can be found here.
Position Papers
All delegates are required to submit position papers. The CANIMUN 2017 Position Paper Guide can be found here. IPF and ICJ delegates should note the special position paper instructions found on the second page of this document.
Working Paper Template
Click here to find the Working Paper Template.
Sample Resolution
Wondering what a resolution looks like? Here is sample resolution from the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at CANIMUN 2014. The document will give you an idea on how to write a resolution in order to better prepare for the conference.
Code of Conduct
To ensure the success of CANIMUN, all participants are required to adhere to the CANIMUN Delegate Code of Conduct when participating in conference events. Delegates who do not adhere to the code of conduct risk being removed from the conference.
Useful Links and Resources (External)
CIA World Factbook:
Best Delegate:
UNA-USA: MUN Preparation Information
UNBISNET: UN Bibliographic Information System